LMC Media
End of Year Giving
How much do you really know about LMC Media?
Think you’ve got the facts? Let’s find out and take the quiz below!
Is LMC Media is fully funded by the government?
No! LMC Media is funded through donations and cable franchise fees.
Are donations to LMC Media fully tax deductible to the donor?
Yes! Additionally, if you’re an IRA holder, your donation may qualify as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).
Does LMC Media charge local residents and businesses to use its new Studio on the Avenue?
No! The studio on the avenue is free for residents, business owners, educators and students to use one hour a month.
Is LMC Media’s only service broadcasting Government meetings on cable TV?
No! LMC Media produces content, records events, podcasts and talk shows at the Studio on the Avenue.
If I don’t have cable TV, can I still watch LMC Media?
Yes! LMC Media is available on Optimum, Fios, ROKU, AppleTV, Youtube and streaming on the LMC Media website.
If I get my TV via an internet connection, does LMC Media still receives funding from cable companies?
No! LMC Media is funded through donations and cable franchise fees.
Does LMC have paid opportunities for high school students who wish to learn filmmaking?
Yes! The Future Filmmaker Project is a paid opportunity for students, learn more at lmcmedia.org/future-filmmakers.
Does LMC Media employ a large staff in order to do everything they do?
No! LMC Media is only run by 4 full time employees and several part time workers.
How old is LMC Media? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Greater than 30?
LMC Media just celebrated its 40th anniversary!
How many hours of programming does LMC Produce in a year? 5K? 10K? 15K?
In 2023, LMC Media broadcast over 9,500 hours of programming on its three channels.