The LMC Media Board of Directors

Chris Gianutsos

Peggy Jackson
Vice President

Michael Witsch

Mark Litvin

Craig Ettinger

Steve Israelsky

Kevin Lawner

Catherine Lepone

Jefferson Meighan

Dan Silberman

Louis Simons

Charles Smith
LMC Media is governed by a 12 member Board of Directors that meet monthly to determine company policy, provide support and guidance to the Executive Director, and help raise funds for the operation of the organization. The Board of Directors is composed of community members chosen by itself.
Contact the board at
LMC Media Board of Directors
- Chris Gianutsos, President
- Peggy Jackson, Vice President
- Michael Witsch, Secretary
- Mark Litvin, Treasurer
- Craig Ettinger
- Steve Israelsky
- Kevin Lawner
- Catherine Lepone
- Jefferson Meighan
- Dan Silberman
- Louis Simons
- Charles Smith
Emeritus Board Members
- Sunny Goldberg, Chair
- Mike Stuntz
The individual municipalities are responsible for collection and disbursement of franchise fees from Optimum & Verizon. The franchise fees represent 5% of the gross operation revenues of Optimum & Verizon for the Mamaroneck community. The franchise fees support the operations of LMC Media. As a 501(c)(3) LMC Media also relies upon donations and program production services.